Please check out our resource page for resources and community services regarding Alzheimers.

Please check out our resource page for resources and community services regarding BE THE MATCH

Community Resources

NAHN NJ is proud to have a strong collaborations with the communities, entities, and institutions we serve throughout the state of New Jersey. We are happy to offer our services to the public.

Visit our Facebook and Instagram accounts for virtual education lectures. If there is a topic of interest or resource for us to share with our community, please email us at

The Alzheimer’s Association
CASA for Children of Mercer and Burlington Counties

CASA for Children of Mercer and Burlington Counties is a non-profit organization that advocates for children and youth in the foster care system to have their needs met and their rights protected. Our dedicated staff and well-trained volunteers connect each child in our care to resources that support their healthy growth and development and advocate for their well-being and best interests. This advocacy often includes medical care. CASA volunteers are appointed by the Family Court Judge and have been best described as the “eyes and ears” of the court. Volunteer advocates make an incredible difference in the lives of abused and neglected children by providing best-interest advocacy until the court’s case is closed and each child is placed in a safe, stable, permanent home. You can also visit the CASA NJ website at


Bergen Volunteer Medical Initiative

The Bergen Volunteer Medical Initiative, Inc. is a volunteer nonprofit organization providing free primary and preventive medical care to low-income working individuals who don’t have insurance or the means to pay for care in Bergen County.

BVMI is a volunteer non-profit organization that provides medical care to low-income earners who have no means to pay for care.
Click here to know more

Be the Match
Be the Match Logo
Learn about our Patient Support Center